Saturday 16 February 2013

6 perkara yang Allah sembunyi dalam solat

Allah SWT selesai menciptakan Jibrail as dengan bentuk yang cantik, dan
Allah menciptakan pula baginya 600 sayap yang panjang , sayap itu antara
timur dan barat (ada pendapat lain menyatakan124, 000 sayap). Setelah itu
Jibrail as memandang dirinya sendiri danberkata:

'Wahai Tuhanku, adakah engkau menciptakan makhluk yang lebih baik daripada aku?.'

Lalu Allah swt berfirman yang bermaksud.. 'Tidak'

Kemudian Jibrail as berdiri serta solat dua rakaat kerana syukur kepada Allah swt. dan tiap-tiap rakaat itu lamanya 20,000 tahun.

Setelah selesai Jibrail as solat, maka Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud. 'Wahai Jibrail, kamu telahmenyembah aku dengan ibadah yangbersungguh- sungguh, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang menyembah kepadaku seperti ibadat kamu, akan tetapi di akhir
zaman nanti akan datang seorang nabi yang mulia yang paling aku cintai, namanya Muhammad.' Dia mempunyai umat yang lemah dan sentiasa berdosa, sekiranya mereka itu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat yang hanya sebentar sahaja, dan mereka dalam keadaan lupa serta serba kurang, fikiran mereka melayang bermacam-macam dan dosa mereka pun besar juga. Maka demi kemuliaannKu dan ketinggianKu, sesungguhnya solat mereka itu aku lebih sukai dari solatmu itu. Kerana mereka mengerjakan solat atasperintahKu, sedangkan kamu mengerjakan solat bukan atas perintahKu.'

Kemudian Jibrail as berkata: 'Ya Tuhanku, apakah yang Engkau hadiahkan kepada mereka sebagai imbalan ibadat mereka?'

Lalu Allah berfirman yang bermak! sud. 'Ya Jibrail, akan Aku berikan syurga Ma'waa sebagai tempat tinggal...'

Kemudian Jibrail as meminta izin kepada Allah untuk melihat syurga Ma'waa.Setelah Jibrail as mendapat izin dari Allah SWT maka pergilah Jibrail as dengan mengembangkan sayapnya dan terbang, setiap dia mengembangkan dua sayapnya dia boleh menempuh jarak perjalanan 3000 tahun, terbanglah malaikat jibrail as selama 300 tahun sehingga ia merasa letih dan lemah dan akhirnya dia turun singgah berteduh di bawah bayangan sebuah pohon dan dia sujud kepada Allah SWT lalu ia berkata dalam sujud:

'Ya Tuhanku apakah sudah aku menempuh jarak perjalanan setengahnya, atau sepertiganya, atau seperempatnya? '

Kemudian Allah swt berfirman yang bermaksud. 'Wahai Jibrail, kalau kamu dapat terbang selama 3000 tahun dan meskipun aku memberikan kekuatan kepadamu seperti kekuatan yang engkau miliki, lalu kamu terbang seperti yangtelah kamu lakukan, nescaya kamu tidak akan sampai kepada sepersepuluh dari beberapa perpuluhan yang telah kuberikan kepada umat Muhammad terhadap imbalan solat dua rakaat yang mereka kerjakan.... .'

Marilah sama2 kita fikirkan dan berusaha lakukan... Sesungguhnya Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan enam perkara iaitu :

* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan redha-Nya dalam taat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan murka-Nya di dalam maksiat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan nama-Nya yang Maha Agung di dalam Al-Quran.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan Lailatul Qadar di dalam bulan Ramadhan.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan solat yang paling utama di dalam solat (yang lima waktu).
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan (tarikh terjadinya) hari kiamat di dalam semua hari.

#wahai rakan rakan ku yg dikasihi sekalian, sebarlah ilmu ini, agar semua kwn kwn kita diluar sana kembali ke pangkal jalan, ikut islam sebenar benarnya, sesiapa yang mengajak kebaikkan, pahala seseorang yang diajak kebaikkan itu dapat padanya tanpa dikurangkan sedikitpun. inshaAllah... Allah always with us.


Empat perkara menguatkan badan
1. makan daging
2. memakai haruman
3. kerap mandi
4. berpakaian dari kapas
Empat perkara melemahkan badan
1. banyak berkelamin (bersetubuh)
2. selalu cemas
3. banyak minum air ketika makan
4. banyak makan bahan yang masam
Empat perkara menajamkan mata
1. duduk mengadap kiblat
2. bercelak sebelum tidur
3. memandang yang hijau
4. berpakaian bersih
Empat perkara merosakan mata
1. memandang najis
2. melihat orang dibunuh
3. melihat kemaluan
4. membelakangi kiblat
Empat perkara menajamkan fikiran
1. tidak banyak berbual kosong
2. rajin bersugi (gosok gigi)
3. bercakap dengan orang soleh
4. bergaul dengan para ulama
Tidur terlentang sambil berfikir tentang kejadian langit dan bumi.
Miring ke sebelah kanan untuk memudahkan terjaga untuk solat malam.
Miring ke sebelah kiri untuk mencernakan makanan yang banyak dimakan.
Menelungkup/tiarap seperti tidurnya ahli neraka.
itulah kekuatan seorang muslim 
Kalau rajin..tolong sebarkan maklumat ini kpd saudara Muslim Muslimat yg lain agar menjadi amalan kpda kita semua. Ilmu yang bermanfaat ialah salah satu amal yang berkekalan bagi orang yang mengajarnya meskipun beliau sudah meninggal. sharing is caring 

17 Kesalahan Dalam Solat

"SEMBAHYANG adalah amalan pertama yang dihisab Allah pada akhirat nanti. Jika sembahyang seseorang baik, baiklah pula seluruh amalannya dan begitu sebaliknya.Sembahyang perlu dipelihara sebaik-baiknya." Antara kesalahan yang selalu dilakukan berkaitan sembahyang adalah:1. Meninggalkan sembahyang. Hal ini adalah suatu kekufuran berdasarkan al-Quran, sunnah dan ijmak.Allah berfirman bermaksud: "Apakah yang membuat kalian masuk ke dalam Neraka Saqar?' Mereka menjawab: "(Kerana) kami dulu tidak termasuk orang yang mendirikan solat." (Surah al-Muddatstsir, ayat 4)Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Perjanjian antara kami dengan mereka adalah solat, barang siapa meninggalkannya maka dia kafir." (Hadis riwayat Ahmad dan lainnya).2. Melengah-lengahkan solat. Firman Allah bermaksud : Sesungguhnya solat itu wajib atas orang beriman dalam waktu yang sudah ditentukan." (Surah an-Nisa, ayat 103)Oleh itu, melengah-lengahkan solat tanpa uzur yang dibolehkan syarak adalah berdosa besar.Rasulullah bersabda: "Itu adalah solat orang munafik. Dia duduk menunggu matahari, sampai jika matahari sudah berada antara dua tanduk syaitan (hendak tenggelam) dia berdiri dan menukik empat rakaat, sedangkan dia tidak mengingat Allah dalamnya kecuali sedikit." (Hadis riwayat Muslim).3. Meniggalkan solat berjemaah. Solat berjemaah adalah wajib kecuali bagi orang yang memiliki uzur yang dibolehkan syarak. Sabda Rasulullah bermaksud: "Siapa yang mendengarkan seruan azan tetapi tidak memenuhinya maka tidak ada solat baginya, kecuali kerana uzur." (Hadis riwayat Ibnu Majah).Allah berfirman, maksudnya: "Dan rukuklah bersama orang yang rukuk." (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 43).Rasulullah bersabda: "Kemudian aku mengutus (utusan) kepada orang yang tidak solat berjemaah, hingga aku bakar rumah mereka." (Muttafaq Alaih).4. Tidak thuma'ninah dalam solat Thuma'ninah adalah rukun solat dan tidak sah solat tanpanya. Thuma'ninah ertinya tenang ketika sedang rukuk, iktidal, sujud dan duduk antara dua sujud. Tenang maksudnya sampai tulang kembali pada posisi dan persendiannya, tidak tergesa-gesa dalam penggantian dari satu rukun ke rukun lainnya.5. Tidak khusyuk dan banyak gerakan dalam solat.6. Mendahului atau menyelisihi imam. Hal ini boleh menyebabkan solat batal. Makmum hendaklah mengikuti imam, tidak mendahului atau terlambat. Rasulullah bersabda: "Sesungguhnya diadakannya imam itu untuk diikuti, kerana itu jika dia bertakbir, bertakbirlah, dan jangan kalian bertakbir sampai dia bertakbir, dan jika dia rukuk, maka rukuklah dan jangan kalian rukuk sampai dia rukuk... " (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).7. Bangun dari duduk untuk menyempurnakan rakaat sebelum imam selesai dari salam kedua.8. Memandang ke langit (atas) atau menoleh ke kiri dan ke kanan ketika solat. Hal ini diperkatakan Rasulullah dalam sabdanya: "Hendaklah orangmu berhenti daripada mendongakkan pandangannya ke langit ketika solat atau Allah tidak mengembalikan pandangannya kepada mereka." (Hadis riwayat Muslim)."Dan jauhilah orang yang menoleh dalam solat kerana sesungguhnya ia adalah suatu kebinasaan." (Hadis riwayat at-Tirmizi)9. Mengenakan pakaian nipis yang tidak menutupi aurat. Hal ini membatalkan solat kerana menutup aurat adalah syarat sah solat.10. Tidak memakai tudung dan menutupi telapak kaki bagi wanita kerana aurat wanita dalam solat adalah seluruh tubuhnya kecuali wajah dan telapak tangan. Ummu Salamah ditanya mengenai pakaian solat wanita. Beliau menjawab: "Hendaknya dia solat dengan kerudung, dan baju kurung panjang yang menutupi kedua-dua telapak kakinya."11. Melintas di depan orang yang sedang solat. Rasulullah bersabda: "Seandainya orang yang lalu di depan orang solat itu mengetahui dosanya, tentu berhenti (menunggu) empat puluh (tahun) lebih baik baginya daripada melintas di depannya." (Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim).12. Tidak melakukan takbiratul ihram ketika mendapati imam sedang rukuk. Takbiratul ihram adalah rukun solat dan wajib dilakukan dalam keadaan berdiri, baru kemudian mengikuti imam yang sedang rukuk.13. Tidak langsung mengikuti keadaan imam ketika masuk masjid. Orang yang masuk masjid hendaknya langsung mengikuti imam, baik ketika itu sedang duduk, sujud atau lainnya.Rasulullah bersabda: "Jika kalian datang untuk solat dan kami sedang sujud, maka sujudlah!" (Hadis riwayat Abu Daud).14. Melakukan sesuatu yang melalaikan daripada solat seperti menonton televisyen dan bersembang. Allah berfirman, maksudnya: "Wahai orang beriman, janganlah hartamu dan anak-anakmu melalaikanmu daripada mengingat Allah, barang siapa melakukan demikian maka mereka itulah orang yang rugi." (Surah al-Munafiqun, ayat 9).15. Makruh memejamkan mata ketika solat tanpa keperluan. Seperti diriwayatkan Ibnu Qayyim berkata, Nabi tidak mencontohkan solat dengan memejamkan mata.Tetapi, jika memejamkan mata diperlukan, misalnya, kerana di hadapannya ada lukisan atau sesuatu yang menghalangi kekhusyukannya maka hal itu tidak makruh.16. Tidak melurus atau merapatkan barisan ketika berjemaah. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda: "Kalian mahu meluruskan barisan kalian atau Allah akan membuat perselisihan antara hati kalian." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).17. Tidak memperhatikan sujud dengan tujuh anggota. Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Kami diperintahkan untuk sujud dengan tujuh anggota; kening dan beliau mengisyaratkan dengan tangannya sampai ke hidungnya, dua tangan, dua lutut dan dua telapak kaki." (Muttafaq Alaih

Saturday 21 April 2012

Robin Van Pesie

Robin van Persie
Personal information
Full name Robin van Persie[1]
Date of birth 6 August 1983 (age 28)[1]
Place of birth Rotterdam, Netherlands
Height 1.83 m (6 ft 0 in)[2]
Playing position Striker
Club information
Current club Arsenal
Number 10
Youth career
1998–1999 Excelsior
1999–2001 Feyenoord
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2001–2004 Feyenoord 59 (15)
2004– Arsenal 181 (88)
National team
2000–2001 Netherlands U17 14 (8)
2001–2003 Netherlands U19 11 (3)
2004–2006 Netherlands U21 6 (1)
2005– Netherlands 62 (25)
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16:57, 11 February 2012 (UTC).
† Appearances (Goals).
‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 18:23, 26 November 2011 (UTC)
Robin van Persie (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈrɔbɪn vɐn ˈpɛrsi] ( listen); born 6 August 1983) is a Dutch footballer who plays as a striker for Arsenal and the Dutch national team. He is a youth product of Feyenoord.[3] Having joined Arsenal in 2004, Van Persie became the club captain on 16 August 2011.[4] His playing style and ability have drawn comparison to Dutch legend Marco van Basten.[5][6]
The son of two artists, Van Persie was encouraged to follow in his parents' footsteps,[7] but he instead preferred football and joined SBV Excelsior's youth squad. He made his breakthrough at his hometown club Feyenoord, where he spent three seasons and won the 2002 UEFA Cup.[8] He was named the Dutch Football Talent of the Year for the 2001–02 season.[9] Disagreements with manager Bert van Marwijk culminated in a change of club and Van Persie moved to Premier League side Arsenal for £2.75 million in 2004 as a long-term replacement for Dennis Bergkamp.[10][11] He won the FA Community Shield and the FA Cup in his first season with the London club and went on to win the 2006 Rotterdam Sportsman of the year award.[12] Van Persie has been named Premier League Player of the Month thrice.[13] Van Persie topped the goal assists leader board with 11 assists in the 2008–09 Premier League.[14][15][16]
Van Persie was a Dutch youth international, having represented the Netherlands under-17, under-19 and under-21 sides. He made his senior international debut in 2005 in a friendly match against Romania. One month later, he netted his first senior international goal in a 4–0 win over Finland. Van Persie has had 60 caps and has scored 25 goals for the Netherlands.[17][18] He has participated in the 2006 and 2010 FIFA World Cups and UEFA Euro 2008.[19]

Club career


Van Persie joined Dutch side SBV Excelsior's youth squad at the age of 4 years, but left at the age of 5 years due to the relationship with the coach (Jamie Mcculloch) and his mother, and thus signed for Feyenoord.[20] He was quickly promoted into the first team due to injury problems among the squad, and made his debut for the club at 17, which was the first of 15 total starts. He received the KNVB Best Young Talent award at the end of the 2001–02 season. He signed a professional three-and-a-half year contract with Feyenoord in the following season, and scored five goals in a 6–1 Amstel Cup thrashing of AGOVV on 6 February 2003. However, clashes with manager Bert van Marwijk saw Van Persie demoted to the reserve squad, and an irate van Marwijk told reporters, "His behaviour made it impossible for him to remain in the squad any longer so he will join the reserve side for the time being."[21] During a match featuring the Feyenoord and Ajax reserves, he was one of several Feyenoord players assaulted by hooligans who had invaded the pitch.[20] Van Persie's rift with van Marwijk continued when he was sent home on the eve of the 2002 UEFA Super Cup final against Real Madrid after the coach was displeased with Van Persie's body language after being asked to warm up for a Champions League qualifier.[22] Van Persie finished his tumultuous debut season on the first team, making a total of 28 appearances and scoring eight goals, in addition to finishing runner-up in the KNVB Cup.
Feyenoord unsuccessfully attempted to extend Van Persie's contract during the offseason, and his deteriorating relationship with van Marwijk led to his spending most of 2003–04 on the bench. He again played 28 matches, but finished with two fewer goals than the previous season. Feyenoord shopped him at the end of the campaign but found few takers due to Van Persie's past disciplinary issues. During the January transfer window, the Eredivisie club opened negotiations with Arsenal, who were seeking a long-term replacement for aging veteran Dennis Bergkamp, but both parties could not agree to terms.


On 17 May 2004, Van Persie signed a four-year deal with Arsenal for £2.75 million, just over half of Feyenoord's original asking price of £5 million.[23] Gunners manager Arsène Wenger, who planned to convert Van Persie from a left winger to a center forward as he had successfully done with star player Thierry Henry,[24] said of his new acquisition, "He can play on the left side of midfield, as a creative player behind the main strikers or as a target man."[25] Arsenal had further padded their stable of strikers in January by signing Spanish forward José Antonio Reyes,[26] leaving the two to battle for playing time. Van Persie made his debut and won a trophy in the process, as he came on as a substitute in the 3–1 FA Community Shield victory over Manchester United on 8 August 2004. Van Persie spent most of his time on the bench during earlier parts of the 2004–05 season, and made his competitive debut on 27 October by scoring Arsenal's opening goal in a 2–1 League Cup win over Manchester City. He was sent off for the first time, however, in an Arsenal shirt on 26 February during a 1–1 road draw with Southampton, following a lunge at left back Graeme Le Saux, for which Wenger was seen yelling an obscenity at Van Persie from the sidelines. He then later lambasted his charge in the press. "I do not support Van Persie today, but he did not look out of control at half-time."

When the referee has sent off a home player, he is under pressure, so, if any player had to behave, it was him." Meanwhile, Telegraph sportswriter Clive White described Van Persie in his match report as "21 going on nine."[28]
Van Persie was consequently benched for a number of games, starting with Arsenal's upcoming FA Cup replay against Sheffield United,[29] and he was reintroduced into the squad only after Henry was out with a calf injury, and his return to the first team saw him score twice in a FA Cup semi-final win over Blackburn Rovers. The rest of Van Persie's season was cut short by injury, and he finished with ten goals in 41 appearances in all competitions.[30]

Van Persie's good form at the start of the 2005–06 season earned him the Player of the Month award for November 2005 after eight goals in eight starts,[24] and he was rewarded with a five-year contract extension until 2011 on 4 January.[31] Two days after signing the contract, however, Van Persie was again hit by injury when an opponent stepped on his foot and broke his toe during an FA Cup match against Cardiff.[32]
Van Persie played the next three matches with a hole cut into his shoe to alleviate the pain until he was finally rested for Arsenal's Premier League match against West Ham United on 1 February.[22] He was an unused substitute in Arsenal's first Champions League final appearance, a 2–1 loss to FC Barcelona.[33]

The beginning of the 2006–07 season included an airborne volley against Charlton Athletic that Wenger called "the goal of a lifetime"[34] and was later named BBC Sport's Goal of the Month for September,[35] and he capped off the calendar year by being named the 2006 Rotterdam Sportsman of the Year. His season, however, ended early for the second time in his career on 21 January, when he fractured the fifth metatarsal in his right foot while celebrating his late equalizer in a match against Manchester United.[36] Although Van Persie was injured for a large part of the season he still managed to finish as Arsenal's top goalscorer with 13 goals in all competitions.

After Henry departed for Barcelona prior to the 2007–08 season, Van Persie assumed the role as Arsenal's main striker. Following a streak of seven goals in ten regular-season games, Van Persie was sidelined for two months with a knee injury suffered on international duty.[37] He made his comeback in Arsenal's Champions League group stage win over Steaua Bucureşti on 12 December and made his Premier League return in the win against Chelsea over the weekend. He picked up, however, a recurrent injury that kept him sidelined until January when he played 45 minutes in a League Cup game against Tottenham Hotspur. He was withdrawn at half-time following another injury scare and featured sporadically throughout the rest of the campaign.[38]

Van Persie opened his 2008–09 account on 31 August with a brace in Arsenal's 3–0 league victory over Newcastle United.[39] On 29 October, he scored his fiftieth career Arsenal goal in a 4–4 home draw with North London derby rivals Tottenham, but was hit with his first red card of the season on 1 November after knocking down goalkeeper Thomas Sørensen with a shoulder charge in a 2–1 loss to Stoke City. Sørensen later admitted to "teasing" Van Persie in an attempt to provoke a reaction.[40] On 30 November, he scored a brace against Chelsea to help Arsenal come from behind and pick up a 2–1 victory at Stamford Bridge.[41] On 21 December 2008, he scored a spectacular goal against Liverpool, which became his second-career BBC Goal of the Month.[42] With captain Cesc Fàbregas injured and regular stand-in skipper Manuel Almunia rested, Van Persie captained Arsenal for the first time on 3 January 2009 for the club's 3–1 third-round FA Cup victory over Plymouth Argyle.[43] Van Persie scored Arsenal's first and third goals, while the second was a result of his cross being deflected into the net by a Plymouth player for an own goal.[44] In January 2009, every Arsenal goal that month was either scored or assisted by Van Persie, which earned him the club's Player of the Month award.[45] His most inspirational display being against Hull City, where he struck the post with a freekick, and provided three assists to his teammates; he later received the Man of the Match award. On 24 February, Van Persie scored a crucial penalty that earned Arsenal a 1–0 win over Roma in the Champions League Round of 16 encounter, after he was fouled by defender Philippe Mexès.[46] He followed it up with a fifth Champions League goal by converting another penalty against Villarreal in a 3–0 victory. On the final day of the Premier League, Van Persie scored a brace against Stoke City, which guaranteed him for the second time in his career as Arsenal's top scorer. He had his best season overall for Arsenal as he scored 11 Premier League goals, along with a league-leading 11 assists and a career-best of 20 goals in all competitions. Van Persie was named the 2008–09 Player of the

With only one year remaining of his contract, Van Persie was in negotiations with Arsenal about an extension for several months in 2009. Finally, it was announced in July that he had signed a new long-term contract with his club, stating, "My heart is with Arsenal and I just can't picture myself in a different shirt."[49] The departure of Emmanuel Adebayor also meant that the Dutchman was now the main striker in Wenger's 4–3–3 system. Van Persie started the 2009–10 season with two assists in the first match against Everton, which led to a 6–1 victory. As one of the first choice penalty and corner takers, he has set up many of Arsenal's goals, including Thomas Vermaelen's debut goal against Everton. He scored his first goal of the season in the 4–2 loss at Eastlands to Manchester City, where he later had his head stomped on by former teammate Adebayor (an act which the referee failed to notice, but the FA later charged Adebayor with violent conduct and served him with a three-game suspension).[50] He then scored goals against Olympiacos, Fulham, Blackburn Rovers, Birmingham City, West Ham United, and Tottenham. Van Persie's excellent form in October did not go unrecognised as he was named Barclays Player of the Month for October, his second such award.[51] On 14 November, however, he injured his ankle in an international friendly and was initially expected to be out for six weeks,[52] but further tests showed that he would be out for five months. Van Persie made his return on 14 April, in a 2–1 loss to Tottenham Hotspur. He then scored a header against Blackburn Rovers in the 2–1 defeat, and a goal assisted by Theo Walcott in the 4–0 win over Fulham in the last league game of 2009–10 season.

Before the start of the 2010–11 season, Van Persie changed his squad number to 10, previously worn by Arsenal and Netherlands legend Dennis Bergkamp.[53] He made his 200th appearance on 28 August but an ankle injury suffered in the same game placed him on the sidelines once again. He returned as a substitute for Arsenal's 0–1 defeat to Newcastle United on 7 November.
On 1 January 2011, Van Persie scored his first goal of the season in a 3–0 away win over Birmingham City.[54] On 15 January, he added two more goals to his tally in a comfortable 3–0 win over West Ham. This made him only the fourth Dutchman to reach 50 goals in England's top division.[55] Van Persie scored his first career hat-trick in a 3–0 win over Wigan Athletic on 22 January[56] and two goals against Newcastle United in a 4–4 draw on 5 February.[57] Continuing his fine form, he hit a brace the following week against Wolverhampton Wanderers scoring both Arsenal goals in a 2–0 win including a volley from inside the box.[58] The ten goals he scored between 1 January and 12 February set a new Premier League record for most goals scored in the first two months of a calendar year.[59]
Van Persie set the Emirates alight with a goal from an almost impossible angle in Arsenal's fightback against Barcelona in the Champions League Round of 16 which ended 2–1 in favour of the Gunners.[60] On 27 February 2011, Van Persie captained Arsenal at Wembley Stadium in the League Cup final, scoring the first half equalizer for the Gunners. It was his first goal at Wembley and his first in a cup final for Arsenal. However, he was later taken off in the second half with a knee injury he picked up while scoring the goal.
On 1 March 2011 he was ruled out for 3 weeks which would see him miss the Champions League return leg with Barcelona. However, he recovered in time for the return leg at Camp Nou. During the game, he received a yellow card in the first half for a foul. In the second half, he was sent off after he received a second yellow card when the referee, Massimo Busacca, deemed him to be time-wasting by taking a shot at goal after the whistle was blown (one second earlier) for offside. Barcelona went on to score twice more and advanced to the quarter finals on a 4–3 aggregate result. Afterwards, Van Persie described the Busacca's decision as a "total joke", claiming that with the noise of the 95,000-strong crowd he could not hear the whistle. On 19 March 2011, he scored the equalizing goal in a 2–2 against West Bromwich Albion at The Hawthorns. The match finished 2–2 with Arsenal still five points behind the current leaders, Manchester United.
On 10 April 2011 in a match against Blackpool, Van Persie put in a man of the match performance to give Arsenal a crucial 3–1 win as Van Persie set up a goal and scored the 3rd. On 24 April 2011, Van Persie became the first player to score in seven successive Premier League away games when he scored against Bolton, beating Didier Drogba's record who was on six successive away games, between August and November 2009. However, the Gunners lost 2–1, all but ending their title hopes. On 1 May he assisted Aaron Ramsey who scored the winning goal against league leaders Manchester United to add a twist to the Premier League. Van Persie was named EA Sports Player of the Month for April.[61]
On 8 May 2011, Arsenal lost 3–1 against Stoke City at the Britannia Stadium, Van Persie scored the goal for Arsenal and with that goal Van Persie extended his Premier League record by scoring in an eighth successive away match. On the last home game for the season Van Persie scored against Aston Villa, but Arsenal lost the match 2–1. On the last game of the season away to Fulham, Van Persie managed to score in his ninth consecutive away match, bringing his goal tally for the season to a personal record of 18 league goals. He also equalled the record held by Cristiano Ronaldo and Thierry Henry by scoring 18 league goals from the turn of the year to the end of the season. He ended the season just two goals behind joint league top scorers, Carlos Tévez and Dimitar Berbatov in the race for the golden boot. He was voted as the second best player of the 2010–11 season on Arsenal's official website and also received the team's Goal of the Season award for his audacious strike in the 2–1 victory over Barcelona in the Champions League.

Having been appointed vice-captain for the 2010–11 season, Van Persie was promoted to club captain following the transfer of Cesc Fàbregas to FC Barcelona at the start of the 2011–12 season.[62] On 24 August, Van Persie scored his first goal of the 2011–12 season in the second leg of Arsenal's 2–1 away victory against Udinese in a Champions League play off match. On 24 September 2011, Van Persie scored twice against Bolton Wanderers to raise his tally for Arsenal to 100 goals, he became the 17th Arsenal player to reach this milestone. He also scored the fastest goal, 28 seconds, in a league match against Sunderland on 16 October 2011.[citation needed] He then went on to score a late winner from a curling left foot freekick, with minutes remaining to put Arsenal 2–1 ahead. After the match, Van Persie stated his dedication to the club after speculation surrounding a future transfer away from the Emirates. On 23 October, Van Persie came on as a substitute on the 66th minute replacing Marouane Chamakh and scored two goals against Stoke City. The match ended 3–1 with another home win for Arsenal.[63] He then continued his scoring run for Arsenal on the 29 October by scoring a hat-trick in Arsenal's 5–3 victory against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge.[64] After the match, Van Persie was accused of making a Nazi salute when celebrating his second goal, however, he strongly denied the allegation calling it "insulting".[65] Due to his consistent performances and good goal-scoring form, Van Persie was named the Premier League Player of the Month for the month of October. Van Persie continued scoring as he scored Arsenal's opening goal of the match in their 3-0 win over West Bromwich Albion on 5 November along with two assists. Then after the international break Van Persie continued his scoring run in the Premier League by score two goals against Norwich City to help Arsenal to a 2–1 win on 19 November 2011.[66] In Van Persie's fifth Champions League match of the season he scored twice in the 49th and 86th minute to lift Arsenal to a 2–1 victory over Borussia Dortmund and to qualify Arsenal for the knockout phase of the Champions League on 23 November 2011.[67]
Then after failing to score against Fulham, Van Persie scored again for Arsenal, this time against Wigan Athletic to make the score 4–0 to Arsenal on 3 December 2011.[68] He then added to his tally with the only goal of the game against Everton, a volley from an Alex Song long ball.[69] The following match, versus Aston Villa, saw him score a penalty and provide an assist.[70] Van Persie's final goal of the 2011 calendar year came in Arsenal's one-goal win over Queens Park Rangers on the last day of the year. The goal took his tally for the year to 35 goals, one short of Alan Shearer's English Premier League record.[71]
The following calendar year started in the same fashion for van Persie, but Arsenal began to falter, losing three on the trot at Fulham, Manchester United and Swansea, even though van Persie scored in the latter two. On 29 January, he rescued his team, scoring two penalties against Aston Villa to help Arsenal to a 3–2 win after falling 2–0 down in a Man of the Match performance. It was also his 120th goal in an Arsenal shirt, equalling fellow Dutch legend Dennis Bergkamp's total.
On 4 February, he scored another hat-trick as Arsenal beat Blackburn 7–1 at home, with three close-range goals from crosses by Theo Walcott and Francis Coquelin. He was also credited with two assists in the game as he set up Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain's first Premier League goal and unselfishly passed to Thierry Henry enabling him to score his first Premier League goal since returning on loan.[72]

International career

Van Persie was a U-21 international and took part in the 2004 and 2006 European Championship qualifying. Van Persie was used in a wider role as a left wing due to the preference of the experienced Klaas-Jan Huntelaar in the striker role.[73] The Jong Oranje failed to qualify for the 2004 tournament and Van Persie did not participate in the latter as he was already in the senior squad for the FIFA World Cup. He earned his first caps for the Netherlands in less than the span of a week, first in a 2–0 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifying win over Romania on 4 June 2005,[74][75] and in another qualifier four days later against Finland, which saw him pick up his first international goal in a 4–0 victory.[76]

2006 FIFA World Cup

Despite not being a regular starter for Arsenal, Van Persie was part of coach Marco van Basten's roster for the 2006 World Cup finals. He played in all four of the Netherlands' matches and scored his only goal in the group stage against Côte d'Ivoire via a free kick as Oranje were eliminated in the Round of 16.[77][78]

 UEFA Euro 2008
Van Persie scored a team-best four UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying goals,[79][80] and was deployed as a winger behind lone striker Ruud van Nistelrooy during the tournament after van Basten decided to change to a 4–2–3–1 formation. As Wesley Sneijder and Rafael van der Vaart were preferred in the midfield, Van Persie was left to battle with Arjen Robben for the remaining spot on the wing. On 13 June, he scored as a 55th-minute substitute in a 4–1 Group C victory over 2006 World Cup finalists France, and started the next match against Romania, scoring off a pass from Demy de Zeeuw with an excellent volley into the back of the net. He finished with two goals as the Netherlands finished atop their group but again suffered a first knock-out round, second stage elimination.

Post-Euro 2008

Van Persie scored in the friendlies played against Russia and Sweden, and also scored a header in a World Cup qualifying match against Scotland, which stirred debate whether he should be taking corners or receiving them. He was injured during that match and was substituted early in the second-half.

2010 FIFA World Cup

Van Persie was included in the preliminary squad for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.[81] On 27 May 2010, Netherlands manager Bert van Marwijk announced that he was in the final squad of 23 participating in the competition.[82] Van Persie was in the starting line-up for their first match in the competition, a 2–0 victory over Denmark.[83] On 24 June, he scored the first goal against Cameroon in a 2–1 win to ensure that the Netherlands finished as group winners, and was officially named the man of the match.[84] He started every match for the Oranje, though he did not increase his goal tally following the match. However The Oranje reached the 2010 World Cup Final, in which he was on the losing side due to Andrés Iniesta's extra time goal.

UEFA Euro 2012

On 2 September 2011, Van Persie scored four goals in a record breaking 11–0 victory over San Marino. He entered the Dutch national team top 10 all-time topscorer ranking with a tally of 25 goals, dislodging Marco van Basten in the process.[85] Van Persie had not scored 4 goals in a single match for a long while.[86]

Career statistics


As of 11 February 2012
Club Season League Cup Europe Total
Apps Goals Assists Apps Goals Assists Apps Goals Assists Apps Goals Assists
Feyenoord 2001–02 10 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 17 0 0
2002–03 23 9 0 3 7 0 2 0 0 28 16 0
2003–04 28 6 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 33 6 0
Total 61 15 0 5 7 0 12 0 0 78 22 0
Arsenal 2004–05 26 5 1 9 4 0 6 1 0 41 10 1
2005–06 24 5 1 7 4 0 7 2 0 38 11 1
2006–07 22 11 7 1 0 0 8 2 1 31 13 8
2007–08 15 7 3 1 0 0 7 2 2 23 9 5
2008–09 28 11 11 6 4 1 10 5 3 44 20 15
2009–10 16 9 7 0 0 0 4 1 1 20 10 8
2010–11 25 18 7 5 2 0 3 2 0 33 22 7
2011–12 25 22 8 1 2 0 6 4 0 32 28 8
Total 181 88 46 30 16 2 53 19 7 264 123 55
Career total 241 103 46 34 21 2 65 19 7 341 143 55

National team statistics

Statistics accurate as of 11 October 2011
Netherlands national team
Year Apps Goals
2005 6 1
2006 11 6
2007 4 0
2008 10 5
2009 10 2
2010 11 5
2011 9 6
Total 61 25